Monday, December 01, 2008


In 2005, I started a Thanksgiving Day Scrapbook. I take an individual picture of every one in attendance and then each person creates their own scrapbook page with their picture, detailing what they are thankful for that year. (Sorry for the run-on sentence)

So, this year, in addition to our scrapbook, I thought I would do a simple blog post with this year's pics and what everyone is thankful for. According to Alex, it should be "thankfull" because we are full of thanks, get it? :)

Uncle Junior, my 87 year-old Great Uncle, is thankful for Family and Turkey Day

Nana (Jana) my beautiful grandmother: "I'm so happy to be with my family! The great-grandkids are special."

My Mom (Nancy) is thankful for love, laughter, purpose, family, Jesus, friends, her home, joy, 8 grandkids, health, fun, peace, LCCS and her mom.

My brother (Wade) is thankful for his family.

My sister-in-law (Cathy) is thankful for her sweet husband, fun and adorable boys and her precious baby girl!

My handsome hubby (Chris) is thankful for his family and traditions.

My most beautiful princess (Anna) is thankful for God, a house and food.

My buddy (Alex) is "thankfull" for Family.

My nephew (Will) is definitely a thankful kid, I am just not sure what for. We forgot to ask him that specific question. I will be doing that today after school and will update accordingly.

My nephew (Eli) is thankful too. But ditto the above. :)

Now, I didn't ask Molly either, and I am not sure she could articulate perfectly what she is thankful for. So, I am just going to go on the one word that I heard her say the most over the Thanksgiving break....."Anna". I am pretty sure that Molly is thankful for Anna, among many other things. :)
Now, you may have noticed that there is no picture of me. Or maybe you didn't notice....but, anyway, that is because I forgot to take a picture of myself. But I am so thankful this year for many things....but most of all for Love, Joy, and for all of my precious, big family. :)
I hope that you and your family are enjoying a "thankfull" holiday season!


Aimee said...

What a great blog post! I am truly thankful for friends like you this year!

Aimee said...

What a great blog post! I am truly thankful for friends like you this year!

The Ray Family Adventures said...

That was so fun to see your precious family!!! your mother and nana seem to keep getting younger than older!!

I am thankful for blogs now that i can stay in touch with my sweet friends and feel a part of thier lives even though we are thousands of miles apart!!!

love you