Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Aunt Mindy

About two weeks ago Aunt Mindy read our blog for the first time and promptly had a pity party. She was most upset to not find any references to herself among the entries. I gently explained that I had only been back in the blogging game for a short time and that, during that time, we had not seen her. And, thus, she was not mentioned in the blog. So, she did what any sane Aunt would do...she dropped everything she was doing and hopped on the next plane to DFW. Well...maybe not the "next" plane but pretty close. The picture below is her showing her excitement about her debut to our blog...

We had a great long weekend, with many highs and one low...

Alex was sick almost all weekend...starting on Saturday morning. He was so sweet and pitiful, all at the same time!

Fortunately, he was able to get some fun in on Friday evening before starting to feel bad...

I absolutely adore that look on his face :)

My beautiful Anna loves the water! Please say a little prayer that I will figure out a good way to keep her pod on, while she swims all summer.

Alex was able to take enjoy some of the benefits of being sick, his favorite is lots of snuggling! Here he is with Daddy....

Here he is with Nan.
Anna and Aunt Mindy working on a school project...maybe Aunt Mindy should move here (hint, hint)
My handsome hubby, I really love that guy!!
Parting shot...practicing photography. I thought this one turned out beautiful.
Have a great week!

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Goin' Home

We had the opportunity to spend the some time in the Glen Rose/Granbury area this weekend. It is just amazing to me, but it seems that your whole body just heaves a big sigh as you drive into town...the pace of life feels so much slower. Although the weekend was busy and tiring, it was wonderful to go back and reminisce about our lives there. I love things that give me a different perspective on the day-to-day grind. I can still vividly remember living here and then moving there. I can remember just how everything felt....like I had been transported to a different place and time. It was divine for our family....it was right....it was what we needed. It was an amazing place to spend my high school years. All the "things" that I needed here in order to be popular did not mean anything there, anyone could do anything or be anything. There was no social order, no defined groups.....I was able to be friends with everyone. As I sit here, I realize that I haven't ever thanked God, like I should, for that time and for the enormous blessing that He gave to our family through that move. It was an amazing time for us as a family...almost ALL of my good memories of my "childhood" happened there. And the best thing of all, of course, was meeting Chris. I am thankful that we have joint memories of the place that meant so much to both of us. I pray today that no matter where we live and raise our children, they will have memories of a carefree time and a place where they felt comfortable, a place they can hold in their hearts.

And now a little picture story :)

Anna and Alex looking oh so cute and happy on the courthouse steps...

Anna really wanting Alex to get out of her picture...she likes to pose....alone.

Uh oh...now he has stepped on her hand....it might look like she is crying about her pod...but in reality it was a hurt hand....take a look at Alex's face....he's thinking "oops, shouldn't have done that."

All is well now...she got a solo shot :)

And so did he!!

But in the end...they really love to be together. It's true, I promise :).

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

(I wanted all of the pics below the text, but I just can't get these first ones to move. So, I am giving up and moving on. Please scroll down to read my wonderful writing and for more pics.)

My Mother's Day Gifts that the kiddos made, is there anything better?

Molly Rose Petal

Nan and Anna

The Great Desensitization Project...working on Will and Eli's fear of Abby, the dog.

We had a GREAT Mother's Day weekend. It was our first Saturday without soccer and volleyball games and it was really nice just to be able to relax and go with the flow. Although, Anna really misses volleyball already. As for Alex, he does not miss soccer so much :)

For a weekend recap...Friday night Chris and I were able to leave the kiddos with my mom and nana for just a bit and get in some Mother's Day shopping all by our selves...it was really nice. Saturday the kids woke up early, Chris slept in and I cleaned out closets. We did a little shopping in the afternoon, got Alex a new 'do, and then headed to Will's big birthday bash at Let's Jump. We had so much fun!! Alex did suffer a vinyl burn (similar to a carpet burn) on one of the jump houses. He is not sure he wants to go back ;) Sunday we went to church, had a nice lunch, took good naps and then had the whole family over for a yummy dinner and fun. And for icing on the cake....I got a new camera!! So enjoy...

Chris and the kids taking a break from their Saturday morning wrestling match...

My beautiful princess Anna...

Alex's BEFORE picture...

This one is during the haircut, he looks a bit concerned :)

Here is the after shot...so handsome!!

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Monday, May 05, 2008

No Pictures=No Fun

Well, not exactly no fun. But certainly no way to capture our fun moments for posterity. Obviously, my camera is still missing. As a last ditch effort, I will call the YMCA today to see if they have it. If not, then I will be off to buy a new camera.

So, in an effort to feel even more sorry for myself over my missing camera, here is a list of all the events I have not been able to capture on film this week:

Anna holding brand-new Emersyn Grace Mabry
Alex's Farm Day at School
The annual LCCS Spring Picnic
Daddy buying Alex's Class Mascot for an obscene amount of money (it's all about the donation, right?)
A beautiful fireworks show
Alex's Last Soccer Game
Anna's Last Volleyball Game
Anna's team party and trophy presentation
Spend-the-night fun with our friends Jordan and Avery
A family car trip to Canton
Papa's debut as the lead role in the children's musical at FBC-Euless

Do you feel sorry for me too? ;)

Enough of the pity party...on to a really fun Alex story. So, last Thursday afternoon I was busy wrapping up some work and asked Alex to go get himself dressed for soccer practice. Time elapsed and I finally called up stairs to check on him. He came to the top of the stairs and said that he was having difficulty unbuttoning his pants. So, he came down so that I could help him. Well, we finally got the pants unbuttoned and both looked down to see that he had two pair of underwear on. So, we discussed how this came to be. You see that morning when I had laid out his clothes I had put a clean pair of underwear with his school uniform. Apparently he was watching TV while he got dressed and failed to notice that he already had a pair on and just added another one. Here is what Alex had to say about this situation, "Well, Mom, I think this is good. If I have a poopoo problem or just need a clean pair all I have to do is take the bottom ones off and then I will have a clean pair ready to go!" Yes, Alex, I guess that two of something is always better than one...

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