Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Remember the LIGHTS!

This year's theme for the City of Euless Parade of Lights was "A Lonestar Christmas" So, I put on my thinking hat determined to come up with something that truly represented Texas, was easily recognizable, but was not something that everyone else would do too. And this is what I came up with...

The Alamo and per Chris' exact words "some cheesy cacti" in lights
It looks a bit lonely here with no cute people on board...

So, now we have the Alamo and Cheesy Cacti with cute people

Many thanks to the Carrolls for the use of the trailer and the hay and for putting up with my slightly anal, perfectionist but cute and wonderful husband for several hours as we got it all put together.

We really did have a wonderful time...there is just something about riding in a parade, waving to the crowd and saying "Merry Christmas" that makes a person all warm and fuzzy inside. You should try it sometime...
Merry Christmas,

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