Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Promise

We made a big commitment decision in July of this year. Anna auditioned for and got a part in The Promise in Glen Rose. So, starting at the beginning of August, we spent every Saturday...all day.... at the Texas Amphitheatre in Glen Rose for rehearsal. Opening night for the show was Friday, September 4th. We have been making the trek back to Glen Rose every Friday and Saturday night for the last month and will continue to do so until the show ends its season on October 31st. And although, I must say, it has caused all of us to sacrifice a little, we have received big reward. Anna is thoroughly enjoying herself and the rest of us are blessed to be reminded of our Savior's amazing love for us!

If you want more information on the Promise, go here. We would love for you to join us anytime! I have $5 off coupons, so if you are planning on coming to the show, let me know.

Below are some snapshots from Anna's baptism scene.

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