Monday, October 13, 2008

My miniature Picasso's

Good Monday morning!

We had an amazing weekend, I will download pictures and post them soon. Part of that amazing weekend, was my little buddy coloring approximately 199 pictures :) He is into coloring right now, not in a coloring book, but his own ideas down on paper, a regular Picasso!

Anna joined in on some of the coloring fun, and I have included some of their work below for your viewing pleasure.

First we have Alex...let me say this was probably not his most artistic work of the weekend but definitely one of the funniest. This is a drawing of a race car, the cute part being that it is sponsored by several entities and has 9 rockets. Let's review the sponsors...we have Big Daddy's (which just happens to be a liquor store, although when I asked Alex he said that it was a store that he has seen while we were driving ;); let's hope he never has occasion to try out Big Daddy's), we have Anna's Army (the name of our team for the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes), and rounding out the sponsors we have Crayola Mini Twistables. Something tells me the inspiration for the last sponsor came to him as he was drawing the picture :)

Now, for Anna's lovely drawing. And I mean that in the most sincere form of the word! She has an affinity for somewhat abstract drawings and unusual techniques. I happen to love this one...
Now, totally unrelated to artwork. This morning, I came across a scripture that I just love and I wanted to share it with you:

"But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head."

-Psalm 3:3

I am encouraged today to be reminded that God is with me and in me and for me. He is my protector and His glory is upon me.

We had an intense, wonderful message at church yesterday, tying together spiritual warfare and our attitude/thoughts. I encourage you to listen to it. I pray that you will be encouraged of God's love for you today.

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