Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day of School 2010

We embarked on our new homeschool journey last Wednesday, August 18th. It felt so matching uniforms, no lunches to pack (PTL!!), no walking into school, no hugs goodbye. But different, thankfully, is not always bad!

We had a great day! I ended thinking, "I know that every day will not be so sunny, but this was truly an awesome day." As with anything new, I had been suffering from self-doubt...what If I can't do this...what if they hate it...what if I hate it. So, it was with sweet relief that we finished the school day looked at each other and said, "That wasn't bad!" ;)

A few snapshots from our first day of school at home.

Our whiteboard (it is now hanging on the wall with cute border around the edges) AND some cute kiddos!

Anna's clothes laid out the night before with a note that says, "Craftroom is sometimes cold." This was her way of explaining why she had chosen a jogging suit when it is 105 outside!

Waking up with a smile!

Waiting on breakfast

Hugs for Daddy. He actually stayed and had breakfast with us. I just couldn't resist this pic...does anything like this happen at your house??

At our desk, waiting for the "teacher"

Yes, we have a calendar. Anna and I are all about the cute stuff!

"Mom, we actually have to do work?!?"

Computer time

Loving the ability to sit on the couch and read "during" school!

We had our third day of school today, and all is still well! Anna and I were up until after midnight last night dealing with low blood was so nice to be able to let her sleep in this morning. Even thought it threw our schedule (and my Type A personality!) a little out of whack, it was a blessing and a good reminder to be thankful for the flexibility that homeschooling allows our family.

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1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay Lissa!! I'm so glad you have gotten off to a good start!