Friday, February 27, 2009

This past weekend...

....I did this, with these sweet ladies. Now, I am all about honesty and transparency, so let me tell you that we walked (ran a little) the 10K...I came nowhere near that marathon-thing :). BUT, we had so much fun and we walked fast (took us about an hour and a half). I had a minor bout with SVT along the way...maybe it is time to consider ablation. It was extremely irritating to have to sit down for a minute and use a couple of my tricks to stop it before I could go on. But all in all....good exercise and good friends, what could be better?!?

Here are a couple of pics after the La Madeleine, of course :)

All 4 of us (with bad lighting)

Tonya and I (I must have a lot of self-confidence to post the pictures of myself with no makeup ;))

Kris and Julie

We've got ourselves lined up for one race a month over the next three months. Should be fun....exercise is all about forming habits, right? We walk everyday for an hour...we figure that this commitment to more races will keep us going.

And, finally, totally unrelated to my pursuit to be healthy...A picture from Alex that I just loved. Notice the detail...the smoke coming out of the chimney is forming a heart. We had quite a few fires in the fireplace this weekend...I think he was inspired :)!


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1 comment:

Aimee said...

I'm So Proud of You!! My brother ran in the Cowtown 10K, too! Good for you...what's the next race?!

Love ya!