Saturday, July 11, 2009

Alex's Sport

Even though Alex is only the ripe old age of 7, it feels like we have been searching for what will be "his sport" for years ;) Soccer was probably the one sport that was most obviously NOT his sport. He loved swimming but never actually competed in a race, so I guess you can't really call it a sport.
You would think that we should have years to really nail this down, but in this crazy world we live in, society has created this feeling that you must discover what your kid likes and is good at AND you must do it FAST. They need special lessons and club leagues, summer specialty camps and the best coaches...all at a VERY early age. Now, if you know me, you know I don't really buy into this mentality. That being said, you still think to yourself... "Am I doing a disservice to my child?" Silly, I know.

So, back to the search for "Alex's Sport". We decided to try out baseball this summer. So, we signed
Alex up at the local Y with his best bud, Case. And while I am still not sure if this is "the sport" I can say that it is the closest we have come in our search. He actually liked the game!

A few snapshots from the season:

Making contact with the ball :)

Running the bases

Ok..take a look at his face in this picture. Almost tearful....:( He has just walked over to third base to take his normal position and realized that there is another kid on his team already stationed there.
It's just so hard to share the infield... ;)

Alex and Case at today's Team Party with their "cool" trophies!

And finally...this is his first-ever at bat. Pretty good start of what could become "the sport" for Alex ;)

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1 comment:

The Ray Family Adventures said...

Peter says it is his favorite sport too!

Looks like fun!

We just found one of those big plastic bats at the second hand market here. So we have been playing a bit of our own here. Although Andrew was getting pretty good at hitting with a stick, but I think the bat is a bit easier!