Thursday, March 26, 2009

Renaissance Girl

For many years now (even though she is only 9), we have been saying that Anna is a renaissance girl...using the definition to mean, "a person who has wide interests and is expert in several areas." She is a tomboy and a girly girl all rolled into one. She LOVES to be outside, climb trees, go on adventures, etc...BUT, at the same time, she chooses the perfect outfit for every occasion way in advance, loves to have tea parties and dress-up. She began watching musicals at 20 months and could sing several of the songs from Sound of Music and Fiddler on the Roof before she was 2. She can spend an entire day drawing pictures, writing stories and creating "events". However, she also loves StarWars and can build a mean Lego battleship. She is extremely creative and talented but also lacks some self-confidence in letting her gifts shine.

I love her so very much and am BLESSED to be her Mommy. I pray everyday that I am being the Mommy that she needs.

As an example of her varied interests, I bring you pictures from a lovely picnic that we took during Spring Break. Once we had decided to go on the picnic, her first thought must have been, "I have the perfect outfit in mind." The outfit she chose, a lovely dress with pinafore ala Belle and Alice in Wonderland, conjures up images of a lovely picnicking (is there such a word) girl sitting demurely on the picnic blanket holding an umbrella and enjoying a glass of lemonade. But behold the reality...

Foot races, tag, swinging...those things were the order of the day. She, of course, had no interest in lounging outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. She had things to do! We had so much fun! And, while, in my earlier years of parenting her, I would have strongly discouraged this outfit knowing what activities she would want to do, I have learned to give her creativity and imagination room to grow and blossom. When there is not a compelling reason to say no to one of her amazing ideas or plans, I try to let her go. She is not me. And I would never want her to be.

She is the best big sister, daughter, grand-daughter, niece and cousin a family could ever hope for!!

I love you, Anna!!!

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

True Story

So, on Friday evening after returning from a quick excursion to the Gaylord Texan, we were all happily hanging out at home. At about 9:00 p.m. that night, Anna started asking if she and Alex could sleep outside in the backyard. My immediate reaction, although I did not voice it, was "I don't think so!" I felt this way mainly because I was ready to be back in my own bed and there was no way that I was going to be spending the night outside. And, there was no way I would let them stay out there by themselves.

However, just before I could get my response out of my mouth, Chris silently motioned me over. He said, "Let's just let them...they are not going to last, so we can just toss some sleeping bags on the trampoline and then they will be satisfied that we at least let them try." I quickly agreed...there was no way they would last more than 5...10 minutes tops, without one of us out there.

So, I happily turned around and granted Anna's request. Needless to say, they were thrilled and somewhat astounded that we had agreed. They ran upstairs and put on jammies, which were in no way warm enough to last for long. But, I didn't utter a word, after all they weren't going to be out there long. We threw two big sleeping bags on the trampoline and they hopped in.

They were so excited and way too pumped to go to sleep...

Right?....WRONG. Chris and I had started on cleaning out our closet and I realized that about 10 minutes had passed....I needed to go check on them. I peeked out the window, but no one was moving our bouncing around. Strange, I was sure that they would be restless. I waited about another 15 minutes and still they had not made a one had tried to come in...nothing. So, I ventured out the back door to have a look up close...

They were both sound asleep. I was SHOCKED, I couldn't believe that there had been no requests for another hug, no need for a drink of water, no one asking for me to sing another song. Maybe I should let them sleep outside every night!

In the interest of sleeping in the next morning, when Chris and I went to bed (at 1:00 a.m.) we brought them in the house. Neither one woke up during this transition, so when Saturday morning rolled around Anna's first words out of her mouth were, "Why am I in here?"

Maybe, just maybe, some day I will be brave enough to let them stay out all night.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No other place I'd rather be....

....on this earth than with all of these people (and their associated parents, of course).

Nan and all of her grand kids
(Eli, Cate, Cara, Molly, Nan, Claire, Anna, Will and Alex)
When we found out late on March 4th that Ryan's team had made it to the Regional Tournament, we quickly made plans to head to San Antonio on that Friday to offer our support! And by "we", I mean my entire family. We made it just in time to watch Ryan's Southwest Dragons upset Converse Judson in the Regional Semi-Final game. It was so much FUN! And that was just the beginning.

For all of the cousins it meant lots of this...

Alex, Will, Cate and Eli

Even the little ones got in out the was so great to really see them playing together for the first time.
Molly and Claire

Molly sharing her "O's" with Claire

There was lots of time for us just to sit around and visit. It was a priceless time and made us all long for Ryan, Ash and the girls to be back close to home.

While Ryan's team was defeated in the Regional Final game, I am so proud of all that they accomplished! He truly is an amazing coach and I am not the only one who thinks so. He was selected as Coach of the Year and also will be coaching the San Antonio All-Star Game.

Way to go big brother! I'm thinking about going back to school so that I can become his assistant coach some day soon....what do you think? Would we be a great team? Or would I drive him crazy? :)

One more happens to be his birthday. How fitting for this post?


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