Thursday, February 25, 2010

She might even be...

....a ROCK STAR!! :) I am not biased at all...not one bit!

Anna was invited to speak at the National Sales Conference for HealthPoint, on behalf of JDRF. So, yesterday afternoon we left school early and headed over to her "speaking engagement". She had written her own speech just the day before and did a phenomenal job in front of ~200 HealthPoint associates. Can you imagine speaking in front of that many adults when you were 10? Not me! I'm just a tad proud of her ;)!

Video below...

Last night, after Anna spoke, the HealthPoint team was participating in a big fundraising/teambuilding bowling event. Over 150 people bowled for 1 hour with 50 cents for every pin knocked down going to JDRF!

I am excited to hear how much they raised.

Thanks for letting me brag a little today...

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Ashley said...

Oh, I teared up! Love it! Ok, I'm going to link this to my blog. Love you Anna! Great job!

The Ray Family Adventures said...

awesome! i am sure this is the first of many opportunities to speak in front of crowds!!!!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....