As of today, we have lived in our house four months and two days, and I still have not hung anything on the walls in the entry, living room, kitchen, hallway, bathrooms or Alex's room. I take that back, in the living room there is a wooden piece with Jeremiah 29:11 on it hanging over the back door. Other than that there is, zilch, nada. I am not sure why I am having such a hard time decorating this house. I want it to look simple AND cozy, but not overdone and cluttered. I want it to feel casual, not dressy. Everytime I go out to look for things, I don't find anything that I really like. I also know that this is not the most important thing in the is a minor detail. It will get done, when it gets done!
That being said, in an effort to get myself going, I have been searching the great world wide web for inspiration. Here are some things I have come across that I liked. Nothing translates perfectly to our space, but at least I have some inspiration. (All images from Google, unless otherwise noted.)
I have a huge wall behind one of our sofas. It is definitely going to take a grouping of things to make it look right. I haven't found any ideas I really love, but here a few that I liked.
I like this one the has similar blue walls and white trim work. Biggest difference, my couches are white.

And, I would love to find a spot to hang a couple of these vintage game boards.

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