Both of my children's blankies were made by my bestest friend from childhood, Dawn. Dawn is a missionary who made Alex's blankie with her loving hands while she was in Turkey. We just have one slight problem....after 6.5 years of intense loving, blankie is falling apart. And, we are on the cusp of a blankie emergency. Now, some of you may not understand, you may wonder why I am even concerned that my almost 7 year old would have to go without a blankie. But, I am not personally of the mind set to take comfort items away. In fact, it is perfectly fine with me if he takes it to college...I wouldn't tell anyone. Plus, look at the picture below, really how could I tell him he can no longer have it. In an effort to prolong Blankie's life, he is no longer allowed to take it to school for nap time. He is most unhappy about that as I cannot produce another "blankie with holes". So Dawn, if you are listening, do they have yarn in Iraq, could you get busy on another blankie?
With love,
and Alex
I am getting to that point with Cara. She is no longer allowed to have it unless she is resting or sleeping (in other words, it has to stay in her bed). She sneaks it out every once in a while, however. I think next year, it is going to stay home and not go to school. She does not nap anyway. You can only tie so many knots!
oh my dear friend, I had no idea that blanket, that I botched up in the beginning making it extra big, would ever last this long!!
It does bring a smile to my face though and I am glad that he has loved it almost too much!
But sorry...his was the last of my baby blankets I made and I have forgotten how! Surely there is some grandma around that could mend it somehow as to make it last..?!?!
I think they have knitting here, maybe I can make him a special scarf for when he graduates from high school that can replace it!
If I think of any other plan I will let you know!
Remind him his Auntie Dawn sure is glad that he loves it so much and that as I made it I was praying for him!
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