I don't talk much about diabetes here....for the simple reason that I try very hard for it be an underlying current to our lives, not a dominating theme. And most of the time that is exactly what it is, always under the surface...that one thing that is ALWAYS in the back of my mind. I might forget for a moment or two, but in reality I am constantly running these things through my head....her latest numbers, last time of bolus, what kind of food she ate, what kind of activity she has been/or will be doing. I hope, however, that from the outside looking in you don't see any of this. I don't ever want any part of her to be defined by diabetes...that is not to say that I do not believe it has a purpose in her life and will somehow be used for God's glory. I know that to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt.
All that being said, there is one time that diabetes can NOT remain hidden. This is the one time when I will jump over a couch, fight my way through a crowd, interrupt a very important meeting or stop the world for one second (if only I could). That is when Anna is LOW.
Today as I was working in the office, I heard this whimpery, breathless voice from the other room saying, "Mommy, I think I'm low...I can't move, please help." And instantly I jump into action, I can't get to her fast enough. I grab a coke from the fridge, a straw from the pantry and run to her side. But when I get there, she wants to argue, she doesn't want a drink she wants FOOD. You see, being low makes her feel desperately hungry. Her sugar-deprived brain is telling her that she NEEDS to eat. And, on top of that, being low can make one somewhat uncooperative. So, I talk her into taking a sip, promise her some food and grab her meter to test her blood sugar...the result: 45. A half of a coke, a bag of Cheetos and a grilled cheese later...she is up to 120. What happened, you wonder, to cause this low? Sometimes, you never know. But in this case, it was quite explainable... to make a long story short...she did not eat any of the lunch I served her and had already bolused (given insulin) for.
So, if you are ever with Anna and she looks like this.... (pale, deer in the headlights, lethargic)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What do you do when....
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Blankie Emergency
Both of my children's blankies were made by my bestest friend from childhood, Dawn. Dawn is a missionary who made Alex's blankie with her loving hands while she was in Turkey. We just have one slight problem....after 6.5 years of intense loving, blankie is falling apart. And, we are on the cusp of a blankie emergency. Now, some of you may not understand, you may wonder why I am even concerned that my almost 7 year old would have to go without a blankie. But, I am not personally of the mind set to take comfort items away. In fact, it is perfectly fine with me if he takes it to college...I wouldn't tell anyone. Plus, look at the picture below, really how could I tell him he can no longer have it. In an effort to prolong Blankie's life, he is no longer allowed to take it to school for nap time. He is most unhappy about that as I cannot produce another "blankie with holes". So Dawn, if you are listening, do they have yarn in Iraq, could you get busy on another blankie?
With love,
and Alex
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Kids at Play
I love school vacations....for many reasons. But one of the very best reasons is that my kids, after a couple of days, get into a GREAT groove of playing together. At first, they usually will ask to have friends over, someone of the same age and gender. But after I repeatedly deny this request they give up and move on :). It is really quite amazing...they will play together for HOURS on end. And they play so nice together, really no arguing, taking turns playing what each other wants to play. Sometimes, Chris and I will just sit quietly in the living room and listen to their antics...basking in the glory ;)!
As I was working last week, they begged me to take a break, come outside and check out their trick on the swing. I did my best to capture some pictures, but it was hard. Have you ever tried to take pictures of swinging people from the side? Not an easy task... So, as you will see below, it took me a few tries to get them both in the picture looking at the camera.
Balloons are definitely required in ALL Grand Finales, don't you think?
Blessings on your week,
Monday, January 05, 2009
Over the river and through the woods...
....well, not exactly through the woods. But, we did go over the Red River the week of Christmas to visit Chris' grandmother. We spent the day with her, Chris' parents and sisters and his aunt and her family, and then returned home that evening. It was definitely a worthwhile trip and a special blessing to see her enjoying her kids, grandkids and great grandkids. It was also a definite reminder that I need to do a better job at reaching out to those in our own community that do not have loved ones close to spend time with.
Some fun pics of our quick trip...