Happy Monday morning!!
We have collectively decided at our house that we want weekends to last forever...if only we could figure out a way to make that work. :)
We had a fun, wonderful weekend to include: a Friday-night football game, pumpkin chocolate chip waffles for Saturday breakfast, another win by Anna's volleyball team (they are now 3-0 and she is playing AWESOME!), a super-fun birthday party for Uncle Wade at our house with yummy food and a backyard, big-screen movie, a great church service, an afternoon hike at our local state park with friends, a delicious Sunday evening
Pot Roast and a couple of naps thrown in the mix too :)! Too say that we are abundantly blessed would be a drastic understatement. Thank you, Lord, for your continued favor and blessing on our family! We need You and are thankful for your presence in our everyday moments...
Rewinding to last weekend and the reason for the title of this post....we finally put together our front yard fall decorations. The kids had been begging for a few weeks to go buy pumpkins and get out the scarecrows, etc. So, we finally obliged and here is the result...

The interesting thing that my sweet husband pointed out, was that for the first time, this year was really a group effort. We took our time, did not rush through the planting, and let the kids help. As Chris said, he has been planting flowers in our beds for over ten years but this is the first time he has had such WONDERFUL help and truly enjoyed it. Although I miss the baby/toddler years, it is sure fun to have helpers who really help! :) Needless to say, they had a blast.
This week is going to be crazy!! A lovely
EGD for me tomorrow, just so excited about that one. I have to be in Plano Wednesday, overnight Wednesday, and Thursday for our bi-annual recruiter symposium. Friday, Chris and I will be helping to set up for the
JDRF Walk (by the way, don't hesitate to click on that link and donate :), we are in need of some serious help); Saturday morning is the actual walk, Anna has two birthday parties on Saturday afternoon which Chris will be chauffeur for since I will be heading down to Lake Whitney for Hayley's
Bachelorette party. We covet your prayers this week, especially for my procedures tomorrow.