I have been a bad blogger lately....just caught up in every day summer life. No routine=no blogging, apparently.
Since I last blogged we have had lots of fun....visits from family, another trip, movies, swimming, play dates, etc. We are having a great summer, which is winding down all together too soon. I figured out the other day that we had just 35 days until school started. Since then, I have been back in organizational/get-it-together mode. School uniforms have been ordered, school shoes purchased, back packs bought and dropped off to be monogrammed, closets organized, etc. I still have a long way to go considering that my goal is organizational perfection for our home before school starts, but we are headed in the right direction. Along the way, I am remembering that it is actually still summer and we should still be enjoying it. As I type, my sweet nephews are cozily tucked in upstairs with my kiddos...I love summer sleepovers :)!
Tomorrow we will headed to the lake with some friends for the weekend. Praying for a safe and fun time....