....how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Alex has been singing that song all week; and , it being one of my favorites, I can't seem to get it out of my head either. I love to hear my children praise the Lord, a huge blessing to know that they are imprinting those words on their hearts and in their minds. Alex's Pre-K class was the opening act for the school's K-1st grade musicals. He was soooo excited! I took great pictures of his smiling face, but have now misplaced my camera. As soon as I find it, I will post the pictures.
We had a relaxing weekend. The kids were out of school on Friday and enjoyed the day hanging out at home and then going to play with friends. I am continually thankful for those in our lives who love my children enough to take on the extra responsibility of having Anna even when I cannot be there. She needs that time away from us.
On Saturday we had the usual soccer and volleyball games and then headed out for some separate girl and guy time. The boys went to the Byron Nelson Golf Tournament and then to the Arbor Days Festival in Euless, where they met LOTS of people that Daddy works with and Alex was able to get LOTS of practice in on our latest initiative :) for him...looking and speaking directly to adults when you are spoken too (of course, not to strangers without mommy or daddy). Anyway, he did a great job and broke into a fit of giggles last night as he was trying to remember everyone's names and they just seemed to get funnier and funnier sounding.
Anna and I indulged in some of our favorite things...nachos at Taco Casa, country music on the radio, pedicures and shopping! We were happy to head for a pedicure with Adrina as she is in the final moments of waiting for her precious baby girl to arrive. Needless to say, we are almost as excited as the Mabry's themselves. Anna even gave Miss Adrina one of her famous, send-you-into-labor foot massages, in hopes of creating some action. But so far, no news. After the pedicure, we headed out to find some new summer clothes for Anna. We had much success and, I am happy to report, no arguing over clothes. We were able to find some things that suited her tastes and my preferences and budget. I must say we had one shocking experience on our adventure...while shopping at one store we ran into a little girl that Anna has danced with, played soccer with, etc over the last several years. The catch is...she was trying on bras?!? Maybe I am just in denial, but I am NOT ready for that yet. Can it really be coming? Not soon for us, hopefully. Between now and then, I will have to pray for emotional preparation for puberty :)
We did squeeze in a bike ride to enjoy the beautiful weather this week. Here are the snapshots...
Oops! Never mind, those pictures are still on the camera that I have misplaced. :) You'll just have to wait until I find it...
Blessings and prayer for the week ahead.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
O Lord, our Lord...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Family Fun
Saturday morning we were blessed to be able to sleep in. The kid's games did not start until noon this week. It was a bummer that the games were at the same time, so I could not watch both. I attended Alex's game and Chris went to Anna's. I am VERY excited to report that Anna got 4 serves over this week...she has finally figure out how to get some power behind her great form. Alex was really not that into soccer this week...I try not to get frustrated, but it is hard. I want him to find one active hobby that he enjoys. We will keep searching!
Chris and I got all dressed up Saturday night to attend the JDRF Promise Ball. It was a fun night and TONS of money was raised to support research for a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. I was a little surprised by how the evening's events affected me, it was a bit emotional because it directly impacts my daughter's life...I long for, pray for and hope for a cure every day. To watch people give generously for something so personal definitely tugged on my heartstrings. We had a great time. Thank you to our friends who made it possible for us to attend!
Sunday, I must admit, we skipped out on Church and had a lazy day at home. That evening we we had a BLAST with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, nephews and niece. It was a BEAUTIFUL evening and we thoroughly enjoyed the great outdoors.
Aunt Cathy, Anna and Molly
Nan and Anna...two peas in a pod.
Wade and Will both having smores for the FIRST time...Wade at age 36, Will at age 6
My niece, Molly Rose or "The Petal" as her daddy affectionately calls her.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Goin' Campin'
We went camping with our Life Group last weekend. Although the weather was a bit chilly, we had a great time! It is amazing to me, but we all seem to sleep amazingly well in a tent. It was a great time of fun, food and fellowship.

It was fun, but I will be extra thankful for my warm bed tonight...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
One Year
It has been one year. One year since Anna was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. One year living with diabetes.
One year...
....since God reminded us how precious life is.
....of having more opportunities to spend time with my daughter.
....of giving my children kisses during the middle of the night.
....of paying very close attention to Anna's feelings.
....of encouraging her independence.
....of sympathizing and encouraging others living with this disease.
....of making new friends because of the d-connection.
....of our family becoming closer as we focus on our goal.
....of remembering how much Jesus loves us.
....of being thankful for the precious gift that is my children.
I must admit I am not this optimistic every day :) There are days that I focus on the struggles, but for today I choose JOY!
Thank you Jesus for Anna and the perfect gift that she is.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
We're Moving....
....just kidding. Although Chris and Anna hope that statement will someday be true. They both have a yearning, a deep desire ;), to move to the 'country'. And the activities of this last weekend did nothing but intensify those dreams...
We were blessed to be invited to spend some time at our friends' second home on the 'ranch'. It was a great relaxing time and a priceless experience for the kids. They ran around on the land building clubhouses, pretending and making crosses out of wood they found....all out of our sight. This is something that just cannot happen anymore in the 'city'....it just happens to open my heart just a little more to Chris' dream of living a more simple life someday :)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Photoshop Novice
Playing around with Photoshop, thanks to some tips from Pioneer Woman. Let me know what you think...